Thursday, September 12, 2019

Four New Hair Sheep

Farley's single ram lamb

     We got four ewes (with 3 of them being pregnant) from Yates Colby of Summit Farms. Rogue (1/2 Katahdin 1/2 St. Croix), Farley (1/2 Katahdin 1/2 St.Croix),  Feo (1/2 Katahdin 1/2 St. Croix), and Sass (1/2 St. Croix 1/2 Wiltshire Horn).
     Rouge lambed first, on 6.22.19 (the same day our Jersey heifer calved), with two ewe lambs. (She and her lambs are in the picture below). Farley lambed next, on 8.29.19 with two ram lambs. (One liveborn, one stillborn). Her one liveborn ram lamb is pictured above. The third ewe (Sass) lambed twin ram lambs yesterday (9.11.19). We are so fortunate to have these wonderful ewes and their lambs.

Rogue and her twin ewe lambs

Sass and her newborn ram twins

~Kathrynn H. Murray

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