Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hard Lesson

     On August 22, we had an incident with a litter of piglets. Lilly, our 1/2 AGH and 1/2 Kune Kune gilt, farrowed with 11 piglets. 3 were stillborn, and had obviously died at different stages in gestation, 8 were liveborn, and of the liveborns, one have a genetic defect that caused it to not be able to stand properly. Thus, the piglet died. Also, being born  five days early, (which is very early for a pig!), the piglets were extra delicate, and when Lilly accidentally stepped on one of her piglets, the skin on it's flank ripped off. That piglet also died.  So far, the six remaining (live) piglets are doing well.

     When it was time for us to breed our pigs this year, we placed Lilly in with our boars. However, one was a nephew to her (her brother's son). We did not realize that him breeding her would cause such harm to Lilly's piglets. So, when she farrowed and had all of her sorrowful issues, we learned a good lesson the hard way. We will continue to work hard and learn for our mistakes and not repeat them.

(Above) Lilly and her piglets are now doing well.

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